

An applicant who answers "YES" to any of the following questions will be found unsuitable for employment:

  • Have you ever been convicted of two or more times for DUI, DWI, or DUI(drugs)?
  • Have you been convicted of one DUI, DWI, or DUI(drugs) within the past three (3) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you had driving privileges legitimately suspended or revoked within the past three (3) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you received convictions for five or more moving traffic violations on more than three separate occasions within the past three (3) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you used marijuana at all within the last three (3) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you used anabolic steroids at all within the last five (5) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you used methamphetamine, heroin, phencyclidine (PCP), LSD, cocaine, crack cocaine, illegal inhalants, ecstasy, rohypnol, or any other illegal non-prescription drug (except marijuana) at all within the past ten (10) years from the date you applied for this position?
  • Have you used methamphetamine, heroin, phencyclidine (PCP), LSD, cocaine, crack cocaine, illegal inhalants, ecstasy, rohypnol, or any other illegal non-prescription drug (except marijuana) more than five (5) occasions in your life?
  • Have you, since the age of 18, sold any illegal drug for profit?
  • Have you ever used an illegal drug (no matter how many times or how long ago) while in a law enforcement, prosecutorial position, or in a position which carries a high level of responsibility or public trust?
  • Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
  • Have you ever been convicted of a crime involving domestic abuse?
  • Is there any reason you cannot legally be entitled to carry a firearm?
  • Have you ever had inappropriate relations or contact(s) during the performance of your duties as a law enforcement officer?
  • Have you ever knowingly possessed stolen property?